Losing Tracey
Six and a half years ago a got an invitation from a long lost co-worker to be a contact on LinkedIn. It had been close to seventeen years since we worked together, and probably seven sinced we had any communication. Once we were associates, he sent me this link of an obituary of a former colleague.
This incredibly well written paragraph was about of a vibrant woman who seemed to always have the world by the tail, and the wind at her back. An amazing athlete, she rivaled most of our male peers on the golf course, beating them soundly many times. She also was fun, witty, and a light in the world. My guess is that she died as gracefully as she lived.
Although we had not talked in almost fifteen years, Tracey had been popping in my head all summer back then. With a trip planned to KC in August, it made sense that she would be on my mind. We were on our way to meet some relatives my sister had found online who happened to live in the same town. Chances are, they probably knew each other. At any rate, it saddened me greatly to know she lost her life. She seemed so healthy; so mindful of her body and what a gift it was. We were the same age and had both paid the high price of working with Wall Street. The journey was a bit rougher for the gals in the group. Needless to say, we perservered; we met the challenge, and conquered the beast.
Tracey lived large, and lived right. To her, a toast of love. May you rest in peace. Just another reminder of how death can quickly come to your door. The real question, are you ready?