Energy Worker. Intuitive. Author. Empath. Reiki Master.




My journey into writing and studying the paranormal started early in life. It was an experience as a teenager that really compelled me to delve further into the mystical. As a clairsentient, I could sense the truth, knowing when others were lying to me. The idea of events appeared to me before they would occur. My life changed immensely when I dreamt my father died in a car accident, and it came true two weeks later. All of these bizarre events compelled me to study other masters and the laws of the Universe such as Quantum Physics and Creating Abundance.

Even though I spent most of my life working in the financial industry, I never stopped learning, studying, or writing. Besides chronicling my challenges and joys in journals, I wrote technical material and sales articles. Retiring in my early fifties was necessary and timely due to some health issues that I have since healed. Ever since, I have been writing novels, taking writing classes, and getting fit and healthy through meditation and exercise.

My work is inspired by connecting each day with the divine. The intention of our collective work is to teach others about metaphysics in a non-threatening forum like fiction. It is with the greatest gratitude that we move forward each day, hoping that we are healing someone, anyone, who needs a nudge, a hug, or assurance that there really is hope in the world.

The books I am writing are also in collaboration with my Ascended Master group. They have guided me in the series on Rose Toffoli, an adopted orphan from the ship collision between the Andrea Doria and the Stockholm in 1956 off the coast of Nantucket. While the event is real, the characters are not. The books chronicle her path to discover some secrets kept from her about her ancestors who served the King of Spain in the late 1800’s. Rose begins to have precognitive dreams weeks before her sixteenth birthday and visits from ghosts. Feeling oddly different from her family and friends, she turns to her mentor Miss H, the local librarian, and her best friend, Henry. Together they navigate the spiritual world and seek to learn all it has to offer and more. 

Bless you for reading the work and coming on the journey we offer.


By the end, I fell in love with the main character Rose Toffoli and her journey.
— Erin S.